At the TENT European Business Summit, which took place in Paris on 19 June, Generali pledged to provide training opportunities through The Human Safety Net to more than 5,000 refugees - including Ukrainian refugee women - over the next three years. The goal is to provide participants with concrete job placement opportunities. In addition, The Human Safety Net will also continue to promote refugee integration through work and entrepreneurship by supporting them in starting their businesses. Since 2019, we have already seen 400 businesses and 500 jobs created. Discover what’s happening in Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland.
Italy: The Human Safety Net enables recognition of UNHCR for refugee integration
In Italy, the Group was recognized by UNHCR in the framework of the “Welcome. Working for refugee integration” project, for its commitment to promoting the work integration of beneficiaries of international protection. An example is the story of Ilona, from the Ukrainian region of Lugansk, who with the support of The Human Safety Net partner Cometa, is now working in the Business Intelligence & Analytics department of Generali Real Estate.
Germany: the partnership with JOBLINGE for refugee training is underway
The aim of the new collaboration between The Human Safety Net and JOBLINGE is to offer refugees in Germany better access to training and employment. The Human Safety Net for Refugees program in Germany has initiated a project, also open to other funding partners, to train 400 refugees over the next two years. The funding is outcome-based, meaning it occurs when one of JOBLINGE's locations in the country demonstrates that a refugee has actually been placed in an apprenticeship. JOBLINGE's refugee inclusion rate is currently 72%.
France: mentoring for refugee women and training as data analyst
In France, The Human Safety Net has announced the launch of a mentoring programme dedicated to refugee women, who often find it harder to find a job. Generali volunteers can also participate, supporting them in language learning and writing of the curriculum.
Since 2021, as part of a programme launched by partner NGO Each One together with OpenClassroom, Generali France has so far hired ten students with refugee status to offer them training as data analysts, with excellent results in integration in the company.
Since 2017, the refugee programme in France has been supporting beneficiaries of international protection who want to become entrepreneurs in incubators in Paris, Montreuil, Saint-Denis and Strasbourg with the support of partner NGOs SINGA and La Ruche and runs training activities with the partner organization Each One.
Switzerland: facilitating employment with the Access project
Despite their qualifications, many people with a refugee or migrant background have trouble finding a job in Switzerland. In addition to the project dedicated to start-ups created and managed by refugees, active since 2019, there is now also the Access project, focused on employability, which aims to support highly skilled refugees and migrants in their professional, social, and economic integration in Switzerland.
Find more refugee stories here.