The Family Programme provides support to parents in vulnerable situations during the first six years of their children's lives, thereby laying solid foundations for the kids’ future and promoting early childhood development.
Operating through 34 centres for families with children from 0 to 6 years of age throughout Italy
The program
In Italy, 34 centres for families with children aged 0-6 years are active throughout the country, thanks to partnerships with L'Albero della Vita, Centro per la Salute del Bambino, Mission Bambini, Casa Famiglia San Pio X.
At the Centres, activities are targeted at supporting vulnerable families in the management of their children's first years of life, helping the youngest children to undertake a safer growth path.
Among the activities carried out: child-parent workshops, training courses and discussion groups for parents, individual family support for solving specific problems, and the setting up of educational paths, in collaboration with families, to help the youngest children release their motor, emotional and cognitive potential.
Partners involved

Fondazione l’Albero della Vita ETS

Centro per la Salute del Bambino Onlus

Mission Bambini

Istituto Casa Famiglia San Pio X

L’Albero della Vita ETS

L'Albero della Vita was founded in 1997 with the goal of ensuring the wellbeing of children, their families, and their communities in Italy and around the world, protecting and promoting their rights, and supporting their development.
Projects: individual programs designed to strengthen the family unit, educational workshops for nutrition education, savings and financial literacy courses, mentoring parents with their children during studying and leisure time.
Centro per la Salute del Bambino

Il Centro per la Salute del Bambino was founded in 1999 and operates in Italy and abroad, aiming to guarantee that all children have equal opportunities from birth when it comes to their cognitive, emotional and social development.
Projects: interactive workshops for parents/children (reading, music, games) to strengthen family relationships and foster the cognitive, emotional and social development of children from 0-6 years of age, with a view to integration with health services.
Mission Bambini

Mission Bambini ETS was founded in the year 2000 to make children happy and healthy by guaranteeing them medical care, shelter, and education. The association has already helped 1.4 million children.
Projects: interactive workshops (art, reading, emotions...), courses for parents (health, employment...) and individual mentoring to strengthen the relationship between parent and child and improve parenting skills.
Istituto Casa Famiglia San Pio X
Istituto Casa Famiglia San Pio X is a very old institution, founded in 1910, which has expanded over the time to implement many activities and projects in the field of early childhood development and accompaniment to parenthood. Casa Famiglia aims to make children experience a condition of "extended family" inside a community dimension, based on tolerance and acceptance of diversity.
Projects: management of mother-child communities, parenting support courses, activities aimed at developing the well-being of children and their families (psychomotricity, summer centres, emotional groups, art workshops, etc.).