La Casa della Lettura
Saturday 16 November h 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday 16 November The Home of The Human Safety Net will become ‘The Home of Reading’ and will be part of the circuit of all the museums taking part in the national Festival ‘Adventures among the pages - Let's read at the Museum’ organised by Kid Pass. This is the largest programme of events dedicated to the love of reading that on 15, 16 and 17 November will bring to Italian museums many creative readings and activities on the theme of literature dedicated to families with children up to 12 years old. Many authors, actors, creators, illustrators will be waiting for you at the Home of The Human Safety Net. They will give voice, shape and colour to a thousand stories and introduce us to real and fantastic characters, full of talent, courage and creativity. Children will be able to listen, write, invent their own stories, create with their hands, pencils, colours and many different materials. Grand finale with the Karaoke of Nina&Olga, the animated series inspired by the character La Nuvola Olga, with Stella Nosella and little Anakin.
For bookings: