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HALLOWEEN! I coraggiosi malfatti e Amelia’s secret

Thursday, October 31 17:00 - 19:00

HALLOWEEN! I coraggiosi malfatti e Amelia’s secret

Differentiated activities for different age groups 3-6, 6-11,12-15

Halloween is coming! Who's scared? At The Home of The Human Safety Net, in collaboration with Baba Jaga and Kid Pass we will prepare for the scariest and funniest night of the year with creative workshops, readings for toddlers and box game tournaments for brave boys and girls.  Together we will explore stereotypes, differences and uniqueness, starting with a reading of “I 5 Malfatti” and creating our own “monster,” to discover that even imperfection can turn into a positive value. Teens can design their own avatar and engage in courage challenges and board games to interact creatively with other participants. Using imagination and the spirit of collaboration, players will bring to life new worlds to explore, unique stories and exciting adventures in an immersive and engaging gaming experience.

For reservations: visit@thehumansafetynet.org