Illy Art Conversations
3, 11 and 27 June h 18.30

Three appointments to talk about art and social inclusion inspired by the theme of the current Art Biennale: Foreigners Everywhere. It begins on 3 June with the Greek designer and artist Michael Anastassiades, in dialogue with Alberto Salvadori, curator and director of ICA, Milan and Valentina Raggi, editor-in-chief of AD. Second appointment on 11 June dedicated to the Italian Pavilion with artist Massimo Bartolini and curator Luca Cerizza. Art critic Angela Vettese will moderate. Closing on 27 June with a dialogue entitled ‘Art for Social Impact’ between Iranian artist Mehrnoosh Roshanaei and American artist Tracey Snelling with Farian Sabahi, professor, researcher, journalist and expert on the Middle East, moderated by Antonella Benanzato. Free admission subject to availability.
For information and bookings: