
Over One Year of The Human Safety Net in Luxembourg

In 2023, The Human Safety Net’s For Refugees Programme was launched in Luxembourg, in partnership with Microlux. The programme is empowering individuals to enhance their economic well-being and achieve financial independence through entrepreneurship.

Microlux is a microfinance institution that supports individuals and communities by providing access to financial services, supporting business starters, active entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs who are not eligible for traditional bank credit. By offering small loans and financial literacy programs, Microlux helps low-income entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners start or expand their ventures.

The collaboration between Microlux and The Human Safety Net creates a powerful synergy, as both organizations work towards building inclusive and sustainable communities. Together, we strive to address the various needs of vulnerable individuals, from social support to economic empowerment, paving the way for a brighter future for all.

Economic Initiative

The programme’s ambition is clear: to promote the right of economic initiative, improve day-to-day lives, and back individuals who aspire to create their own businesses. By providing coaching, mentoring, and access to financial tools, the programme equips refugees and migrants with the resources they need to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Impact in Numbers

Since the launch of the partnership with Microlux, the results of our programme are:

  • 342 beneficiaries reached, migrants and refugees.

  • 54 beneficiaries received loans to kickstart their entrepreneurial dreams.
  • 119 additional jobs created, contributing to the local economy and fostering community resilience.

A Partnership of Solidarity

This partnership has significantly strengthened Microlux’s ability to reach and support refugees and migrants. From enhancing digital marketing efforts to increasing visibility, the collaboration has brought tangible results. The focus now shifts to developing more robust coaching and mentoring services to ensure that new microentrepreneurs have the best chances of success.
As Sam Paulus, of Microlux emphasizes, the collaboration exemplifies the spirit of solidarity and shared purpose: “This partnership between Microlux and The Human Safety Net demonstrates the true spirit of collaboration and solidarity. Together, we are creating meaningful and lasting impact.”

Looking ahead, The Human Safety Net and Microlux aim to build a connected, supportive community of microentrepreneurs. With continued backing from The Human safety Net, the goal is to foster growth, inspire confidence, and ensure the long-term success of the beneficiaries.