He’s no longer the quiet boy he used to be and now knows his alphabet as well as his numbers
The renewals and colourful decorations at the Anganwadi centre, a family centre managed by The Human Safety Net’s local NGO partner United Way Mumbai, contributed to inspiring and engaging 3-years old Saad, who now participates with more enthusiasm in educational and recreational activities and has gained great results ever since.

Saad Asari is 3 years old and lives in Satkanadu village with his mother and father. Saad is an only child and receives immense love from his parents. While sharing the changes observed in Saad, his mother highlighted how Saad was not willingly taking part in activities at the Anganwadi centre and refused to go there on many occasions.
However, with the colourful refurbishment and the arrival of exciting learning material, Saad has now started visiting the centre regularly. He is no longer the quiet boy he used to be and now knows his alphabet as well as his numbers. He also recognizes colours, flowers, and fruits. His mother further states that she is very happy with the progress of her child and appreciates the improvements in the centre. She added that this might help attract many new families.
Saad, a child from India