
Italy joins the movement

Educating today’s children means ensuring a better future for tomorrow’s adults

Educating today’s children means ensuring a better future for tomorrow’s adults

Italy joins the Families program of The Human Safety Net with an educational project for children aged 0 to 11, called ‘Ora di futuro’ or the hour of the future. The project involving teachers, families, primary schools and NGOs in Italy, was presented yesterday in Milan at the Fondazione Feltrinelli and saw the participation of journalists and bloggers.

The activities of ‘Ora di Futuro’ address pupils of primary schools to teach them how to make responsible choices on main themes such as environment, health, well-being and savings through an interactive platform based on team-play that involves teachers and parents, as well as supporting initiatives for disadvantaged families with children aged 0 to 6 focused on education on parenthood. Thanks to the collaboration with the three non-profit organizations Albero della Vita, Mission Bambino and the Centro per la Salute del Bambino, chosen by Italian employees, parents will get help to strengthen resources, abilities and skills to offer their children a stronger basis to their growth.

The three NGOs:

  • Albero della Vita in Milan, Genoa, Rome, Naples and Palermo, offers individual plans for strengthening the family with a series of pedagogical laboratories on food education, training courses on family budget and savings management and support for parents to assist children in play and educational activities.
  • Mission Bambini in Turin, Milan, Bologna, Rome and Naples, offers interactive workshops, training courses for parents and individual accompanying counseling to improve relationships between parents and children, and to strengthen parenting skills.
  • The Centro per la Salute del Bambino in Trieste offers interactive workshops for parents/children to promote family relationships and promote cognitive, emotional and social development of children between 0 and 6 years, with the integration with health services.

For the first year, the project aims at involving more than 30,000 children with the participation of at least 1,500 classes and the activation of 11 centers for ‘Ora di futuro’ in the towns of Bologna, Genoa, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Rome, Trieste and Turin.

Italian employees will participate actively with 10,000 hours of corporate volunteering with the NGOs.