

The Human Safety Net held its 1rst Pan Asia Summit in Kuala Lumpur

On 6 March, The Human Safety Net organised the 1st Pan Asia Summit in Kuala Lumpur, where actors of change from Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Hong Kong, and the Philippines gathered to amplify and accelerate the deployment of its programmes in the region.

In six years, the movement has impacted more than 200,000 people in Asia, acting through a network of 11 NGOs in 96 locations. Asia’s focus is on the for Families Programme which enables parents and caregivers to offer a stable and nurturing environment, to take the best possible care of their children in the Early Years (0-6).
The Summit levered important topics such as: building public-private partnerships, scaling existing programmes in new locations, extending the net of partner NGOs, and the piloting of new projects to strengthen the quality of the programmes. 

Another important lever discussed at the Summit is the activation of Generali capabilities to support the programmes. Those range from structural volunteering to the development of innovative social products directly supporting families who usually cannot access traditional insurance products. The Summit welcomed the presence of Generali leaders: Jaime Anchústegui (CEO International), Rob Leonardi (Regional Officer, Asia), Simone Bemporad (Group Chief Communications & Public Affairs Officer, Deputy Chairman, The Human Safety Net) and Emma Ursich (Executive Officer of The Human Safety Net), the CEOs of the Generali countries in the region, and the Heads of The Human Safety Net from each country, as well as a number of Ambassadors and volunteers. 
The Summit highlighted the importance of Asia in the global ambition of The Human Safety Net: 1 million people impacted by 2027.