
A new year for the 500 Ambassadors’ Teams has started

On December 6th, the traditional Passing the Flag ceremony between old and new Ambassadors took place

For the 3rd year, the community of the 500 THSN Ambassadors are kicking off with a community of highly engaged employees and agents coming from 24 countries. 

Appointed for a mandate of 12 months in their country, The Human Safety Net Ambassadors join four Ambassadors’ Teams: Internal Communicators, Reporters, Fundraisers and Agents. Together they take a leading role in activating The Human Safety Net in their country and engage a maximum of volunteers to amplify our impact. They are selected to cover all departments of the organization. We like to say that “they are the drummer to keep the heart of The Human Safety Net beating every day in every part of Generali organization”.

On December 6th, we organized the traditional “Passing the Flag Ceremony”, attended by Generali Group CEO Mr Philippe Donnet and Patricia Espirito Santo, International Chief HR & Organization Officer. The choice of the date to hold this ceremony is symbolic: it takes place during the week of “International Volunteering Day” (December 5th) to recognize that what we have achieved so far would not have been possible without our volunteers. In 2022, Group employees and agents contributed with direct and indirect volunteering activities such as mentoring, coaching, fundraising or parenting activities for 40,000 hours.

During this ceremony, we recognize the incredible impact each country could reach under The Human Safety Net thanks to the energy, creativity, resilience and constant engagement of the Ambassadors’ Teams. Also, the 500 ambassadors ending their mission shared some advice with the new group, and eventually, they pass the Ambassadors’ Teams flag to the new 500 Ambassadors for 2023.

The 2023 Ambassador Teams of each country immediately started their mission and are working in the first weeks of January to define their ambition for 2023 and the key initiatives they plan to do. You can discover who they are on the dedicated page. 

Ambassadors’ Teams from each country will present their plans and ideas during the Ambition Days on February 6th and 7th to the whole community of the 500 ambassadors. This moment of sharing is crucial because it allows each country to discover other initiatives and strengthen its plan.