
The Human Safety Net & Generali join efforts for Ukraine June 20th

The war in Ukraine has started more than 100 days ago and our support to the Blue Dots in partnership with UNHCR & UNICEF remains essential to offer a safe place for thousands of families, mostly mothers and children. 
Today we estimate at 6,6 million refugees fleeing Ukraine amongst which 2,25 million children.


Key data 

  • 6.6 million refugees fleeing from Ukraine (source: UNHCR as of June 17, 2022)
  • 2.25 million children in need in refugee hosting countries
  • 25 Blue Dots established (14 supported by THSN & Generali)
  • 11500 children & mothers every day can access a safe Blue Dot space

Offering a temporary home to refugees

Since the end of March, the Generali training academy in Germany has become host to 42 refugees.
 A month after the war in Ukraine began, Generali Germany decided to turn its training academy in Bensberg, near Cologne, into temporary accommodation for 42 Ukrainian women, men and children.
The team of the academy and volunteers from The Human Safety Net have supported these refugees ever since to help them settle and integrate into Germany. This is an example of mobilising Generali's people and assets for real impact.


Since the start of the war, Generali actively created a framework to offer refugees a temporary home. We deployed a number of initiatives to open this location and support employees and customers willing to open their homes to welcome refugees.