Bienvenidos a la 4ª edición del Global Challenge

26 países se unirán a la edición de 2024 con una gran ambición: SUPERAR EL RESULTADO DEL AÑO PASADO de 450000 euros recaudados. Cada contribución recogida en cada país ayuda directamente a las ONG locales socias de The Human Safety Net, facilitando la puesta en marcha de nuevas iniciativas para familias y refugiados.

Scopri di più sui progetti che sosteniamo


Con la compra simbólica de una botella de leche, puedes donar un vaso de leche a niños de hasta 5 años para su correcto crecimiento y desarrollo, y proporcionar juegos y materiales de estimulación y atención temprana a niños de hasta 6 años para favorecer su desarrollo integral.


El Desafío Mundial 2024 ayudará a nuestra asociación a llegar a más niños y familias. Poner las ludotecas a disposición de estos niños favorecerá su desarrollo físico, cognitivo y socioemocional.


Allow 15 single-parent families to a four-day educational trip

Czech Republic

Allow a hundred families to join a two-weeks summer educational camp to learn how to boost their courage and overcome obstacles. Additionally, support 43 children to attend a weekend therapy workshop


Give the opportunity to families from our Family Centres to go on an educational holiday to reduce presure on children and parents.


Support reading aloud activities in 33 locations in Germany aimed at families to learn how to include reading in their daily life and get added value out of it in different dimensions of children development.

Hong Kong

Provide 500 families a unique opportunity to connect with nature through fun and educational activities and improve family bonds.


Support 45 families to go to an educational summer camp for one week with workshops for children and parents.


Allow 500 families to strenghten their family bond with a special board game.


Support 500 families to participate in educational activities (excursions, theatre , museums visits..) throughout the year.


Create a functional and easy to use website template  to maximise visibility of refuge entrepeneurs.


Proporcionar educación temprana a 80 niños que viven en comunidades desfavorecidas.


Proporcionar materiales artísticos y equipamiento deportivo para ayudar a fomentar el bienestar físico y social de los alumnos de la escuela elegida.


Provide 50 vulnerable families with the opportunity to go to a summer camp with activities aimed at strenghtening the family bond.


Provide 150 families vulnerable families a day-out with activities that promote children's development, develops their confidence and strengthens family ties. 


Organise summer activities for children in rural areas aimed at early skills development.


Organise a one week summer trip to the mountains for 40 vulnerable families and offer them a full programme of educational activities and the chance to expand their network.


Support a summer camp for 300 vulnerable and non-vulnerable families in order positively stimulate and to expand the social network of the vulnerable families.


Support eight children from vulnerable families to attend an educational summer camp.


Allow 400 children from our Family Centres to attend summer camp during their parents working hours, providing those children with healty nutrition and a safe environment.


Offer theater workshops for 200 children living in vulnerable circumstances in order to help them overcome stressful situations. Additionally offer a safe space for family to meet 3 times a week and have therapy. 


Discover hidden talents of people living in vulnerable conditions by offering 500 children skill development classes during the summer