

In partnership con Haciendo Camino e Fundacion Emmanuel

According to official statistics, more than 50% of Argentina’s population lives in poverty. With an unemployment rate around 6.9% and many hurdles to secondary education, social development remains elusive and hard to achieve.

Greater Buenos Aires is one of the most affected areas, and the place where The Human Safety Net Argentina decided to intervene first, empowering vulnerable populations and providing tools to help them overcome challenging life conditions.

In order to achieve our goal we partnered with a local NGO, conducting positive parenting and self-management skills workshops for more than 300 families with kids ages 0-6. Using resources parents already possess as a point of departure, we strive to strengthen their self-esteem and enhance their knowledge. The Human Safety Net Argentina hosts weekly meetings at our partner’s facilities in Colonia Urquiza, La Plata.

In 2019, with the aim of continuing to grow within the program, we partnered with Haciendo Camino, a NGO that works with the mission of improving the quality of life of children and families in vulnerable situations in northern Argentina. The pillars of this partnership with Haciendo Camino are the prevention of child malnutrition and comprehensive education. We provide our support in several workshops on health education and trades for mothers. With this program we work to create opportunities for hundreds of parents to unlock their potential by helping to transform the lives of their families and communities.

Il programma

  • I workshop didattici sulle competenze genitoriali e sulle tecniche di autogestione sono iniziati a febbraio del 2018.
  • L’obiettivo per il 2018 è riuscire a dare sostegno a più di 200 famiglie.  

Partner coinvolti

Le associazioni locali

Fundación Emmanuel
The Human Safety Net Argentina partners with Fundación Emmanuel to empower parents in vulnerable conditions

La Fondazione Emmanuel è una ONG che promuove il diritto di ogni bambino a crescere in un ambiente familiare stabile. L’associazione assiste 200 famiglie di varia provenienza che lavorano nelle fattorie e vivono in una zona semi-rurale in situazioni abitative precarie.

I workshop organizzati dalla fondazione consentono di accedere a un ambiente collaborativo dove i genitori possono incontrare altri genitori e condividere le loro esperienze, rafforzando al contempo i legami all’interno della comunità.

“Grazie ai workshop didattici sulle competenze genitoriali e sulle tecniche di autogestione, le famiglie imparano a diventare più forti. Noi continueremo a mettere le persone in condizione di migliorare la qualità della loro vita, assieme a The Human Safety Net in Argentina. Ringraziamo tutte le famiglie per la fiducia, per aver preso parte al progetto e per l’impegno profuso”, dichiara la fondazione.

Haciendo Camino
Haciendo Camino is one of The Human Safety Net partners of the Families program in Argentina

Since 2006, the NGO has been working to improve the quality of life of vulnerable families from the north of Argentina. Their programs aim to promote integral growth and development of children between 0 a 6 years old, by accompanying mothers since pregnancy. The NGO currently has 12 centers where they treat children with malnutrition and offer workshops for their mothers.