Partner ONG

Una rete di ONG in azione

Per realizzare la nostra missione di trasformare la vita delle persone, abbiamo costruito e manteniamo attiva una comunità aperta e dinamica di importanti ONG e imprese sociali. La comunità è organizzata come una rete in cui ogni partner contribuisce attivamente ad amplificare l'impatto di ciascuna organizzazione e, di conseguenza, il nostro impatto sociale collettivo.

Proprio perché ci sforziamo di misurare e migliorare l'impatto dei nostri programmi, la comunità agisce come una piattaforma aperta in cui ogni ONG partner partecipa attivamente e contribuisce diffondendo e apprendendo le best practice o sperimentando nuovi approcci. 

Oltre a sovvenzionare i nostri partner, il nostro approccio include: 

  • una metodologia efficace per ciascun programma, 
  • un modello condiviso per misurare il nostro impatto collettivo, 
  • l'accesso a una piattaforma di volontariato globale che consente di sviluppare le proprie capacità e di valorizzare le proprie attività,
  • sensibilizzazione a livello nazionale e internazionale,
  • un programma annuale di attività per promuovere lo scambio tra pari e la condivisione delle conoscenze o per incontrare esperti. L'evento più importante dell'anno è il summit annuale NetWorks a Venezia: in pochi giorni tutti i partner si conoscono di persona per condividere, imparare e costruire il futuro. 

I nostri partner


Fundacion Haciendo Camino
  • Famiglie

Haciendo Camino is one of The Human Safety Net partners of the Families program in Argentina. Since 2006, the NGO has been working to improve the quality of life of vulnerable families from the north of Argentina. Their programs aim to promote integral growth and development of children between 0 a 6 years old, by accompanying mothers since pregnancy. The NGO currently has 12 centers where they treat children with malnutrition and offer workshops for their mothers.

The Human Safety Net Argentina is supporting Haciendo Camino’s activities in 5 locations across Santiago del Estero province, reaching 200 families and 400 kids from 0 up to 6 years.

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Fundación Emmanuel
  • Famiglie

Emmanuel Foundation è partner di Human Safety Net per il programma Families in Argentina. Per oltre 30 anni, la fondazione ha lavorato a La Plata (Buenos Aires) con l’obiettivo di rendere la vita familiare una realtà per tutti i bambini, non solo un privilegio per alcuni. La fondazione svolge programmi per famiglie e bambini svantaggiati in affido che li responsabilizzano nel processo di crescita del loro bambino.

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  • Famiglie

younus is The Human Safety Net’s partner for the For Families program in Austria. younus has been offering mentoring programs for disadvantaged children and youth in Austria since 2012. Together with Generali Austria, younus has developed Family Mentoring (FAME), a new program designed to strengthen parenting skills and improve the lives of children ages 3-6 in deprived and challenging situations. Family Mentoring combines one-to-one mentoring with workshops for parents and children, applying a resource-based approach that is designed to foster healthy relationships between parents and children starting from an early age.

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For Our Children Foundation
  • Famiglie

For Our Children Foundation (FOC) è il partner di The Human Safety Net per il Family Program in Bulgaria. Il programma si basa sul lavoro di 28 anni della Fondazione per lo sviluppo complesso del bambino in un ambiente familiare sicuro. Ha tre aree di lavoro principali: sostegno familiare e servizi di sviluppo della prima infanzia; promozione di un ambiente favorevole alle famiglie e ai bambini attraverso la CSR; e sviluppo della capacità organizzativa di FOC di fornire servizi di supporto alla prima infanzia di qualità.


Scalabrini Foundation

Fondazione Scalabrini, è una ONG che da 17 anni lavora per i diritti e l'integrazione dei migranti in Cile. È membro della Rete Internazionale Scalabriniana che opera in più di 30 Paesi nel mondo.

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Rastimo Zajedno
  • Famiglie

Centar za podršku roditeljstvu “Rastimo zajedno” (The “Growing Up Together” Center for Parenting Support) is The Human Safety Net’s partner for the Families program in Croatia. The First workshops with parents started in 2008, and a few years later the Centre was established in 2013 to develop accessible, evidence-based, and sustainable parenting support programs and to support the network of workshop leaders. All programs focus on children’s and parents’ well-being and development. There were 436 workshops held all over Croatia by September 2023. There are 85 cities in partnership with UNICEF and the Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth, and Social Policy. Partnership with The Human Safety Net in Croatia was launched in 2019 to support parents and children exposed to more demanding life circumstances, that hinder their children's development, including so far more than 14,000 parents and children, with further implementation of new support programs.

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Czech Republic

Vita et Futura
  • Famiglie

Vita et Futura is The Human Safety Net's partner for the For Newborns program in the Czech Republic. Since 1991 the Vita et Futura Endowment Fund has been actively helping to improve conditions in obstetrics and child care with the objective of identifying symptoms of dangerous illnesses in newborns before birth and promoting state-of-the-art equipment during childbirth. The aim of the Fund is to prevent complications that can result in serious consequences or cause death and also supports after-birth care for extremely premature infants in specialized units, focusing on the training of doctors, midwives and medical students.

Nadace Leontinka
  • Famiglie

Nadace Leontinka è il partner della rete The Human Safety Net per il programma per i Neonati e per le Famiglie in Repubblica Ceca. La fondazione è stata costituita nel 2005 dalla società ceca Exx (che offre soluzioni illuminotecniche e per interni) e ha come missione quella di “portare luce” nella vita dei bambini con disabilità.
Nadace Leontinka aiuta i bambini e i giovani ipovedenti ed è attiva in tutta la Repubblica Ceca. In collaborazione con THSN gestisce servizi di assistenza alla prima infanzia nelle cliniche ostetriche di České Budějovice e nelle case-famiglia di tutte le regioni del paese.

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SOS Children's Villages
  • Famiglie

In the Czech Republic, we support the Thrive to five model, which is part of SOS Kompas preventive service. For children who have experienced abuse, mistreatment, neglect, or lost the closest person and with it all the security and belief that the world around them can be friendly and welcoming, the methods based on the Five to Thrive model can make it possible to repair the damage caused by early trauma, which is often considered irreversible. The Five to Thrive uses insights from neuroscience to provide caregivers with effective tools to restore children's trust in the world and themselves and clear the way for their best possible selves.

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ChildFund Philippines

Dal 1971, ChildFund Philippines difende i diritti dei bambini che vivono in povertà. Il suo progetto ENHANCE opera in tre località: Manila, Pasay e Cavite. Lavorando con i City Social Welfare Development Offices, forniscono il Supervised Neighbourhood Play Program, che sostiene i genitori e i bambini piccoli da 0 a 5 anni fornendo opportunità di imparare e giocare insieme.

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Les Restaurants du Coeur
  • Famiglie

Resto Bébé du Coeur è uno dei partner della rete di The Human Safety Net per il programma per le famiglie in Francia. Con sede a Agen (Nuova Aquitania), offre alle famiglie prodotti specifici e necessari per genitori e bambini piccoli, compresi cibo, vestiti, pannolini e giocattoli per bambini di età compresa tra 0-18 mesi). L'associazione fornisce anche consulenza su pediatria, dieta e assistenza all'infanzia.

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Sauvegarde de l'Enfance du Finistère
  • Famiglie

La Sauvegarde de l’Enfance è uno dei partner di The Human Safety Net per il programma per le famiglie in Francia, attivo in Bretagna. L'associazione aiuta a responsabilizzare i genitori, concentrandosi sui loro bisogni e aiutandoli a creare fiducia nelle loro capacità genitoriali. Fornisce inoltre supporto educativo, pedagogico, psicologico alle famiglie e facilita lo sviluppo personale e l'inclusione sociale. 

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Association Intermèdes Robinson
  • Famiglie

Intermedes Robinson è uno dei partner di The Human Safety Net per il programma per le Famiglie in Francia. Con sede a Essone (Ile-de-France), agisce direttamente in zone come baraccopoli, parcheggi e rifugi di emergenza dove si trovano le famiglie più svantaggiate. Lavorando direttamente con i bambini, organizzano attività di cucina e momenti culturali, atletici e artistici per le famiglie isolate in difficoltà.

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Apprentis d’Auteuil
  • Famiglie

Apprentis d'Auteuil è una ONG cattolica nazionale e internazionale che lavora con bambini, giovani adulti e famiglie, ed è uno dei partner di The Human Safety Net per il programma per le famiglie in Francia. Attraverso diverse strutture, l'associazione accoglie persone in difficoltà, fornendo servizi alle loro esigenze e situazioni personali.

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1001 Mots
  • Famiglie

1001 Mots is developing an innovative solution to the problem of failure at school: giving all children the first 1,000 words they need to start school at the age of 3. To achieve this, the association has joined forces with Esther Duflo's J-PAL laboratory to develop a personalized, regular distance support Programme for parents of children aged 0-3, to help them speak, read and play with their babies on a daily basis. 
With a budget of €2.7m and 10,000 children supported in 8 action areas by 2023, the aim of 1001 Mots is to roll out this Programme on a large scale to support 100,000 children by 2026, thanks to co-funding from public and private players. 

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La Croix-rouge français
  • Famiglie

La Croix-rouge française works to unconditionally protect and support people in vulnerable situations and to build their resilience together with them. Its mission is to participate in all efforts to protect, prevent, educate, and take social and health action.
An association under private law, it is recognized as being in the public interest. It acts in accordance with its fundamental principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality.
As a single legal entity, it operates nationwide through its local units and branches, territorial and regional delegations and through its establishments and services.
Like all other vulnerable people, la Croix-rouge française is also committed to looking after families, and in particular children aged 0-3. With this in mind, and with a view to supporting the most vulnerable families, the “Espaces Bébés Parents” were set up in 2007.

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Singa Global
  • Rifugiati

SINGA è il nostro partner per il programma per le Start-up di rifugiati in Francia. SINGA crea opportunità per l'incontro e la cooperazione tra i rifugiati e le comunità ospitanti. Il nostro scopo è costruire ponti tra le persone, sovvertendo i preconcetti sui rifugiati attraverso il dialogo, l'arricchimento culturale e la creazione di opportunità di lavoro.

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La Ruche
  • Rifugiati

La Ruche è uno dei partner della rete The Human Safety Net per il programma per le Start-up di Rifugiati in Francia. Promuove l’innovazione sociale e le pari opportunità nell’imprenditorialità dal 2008. Si occupa principalmente di sostenere i soggetti sottorappresentati nell’imprenditorialità attraverso programmi di sostegno educativo e attraverso la gestione e l’amministrazione degli spazi di lavoro. I programmi si rivolgono soprattutto agli individui discriminati per il loro genere, per la loro provenienza geografica o posizione attuale o per il loro particolare passato professionale e formativo. La Ruche sostiene più di 150 progetti all’anno grazie a una fitta rete di sponsor, metodi d’insegnamento pragmatici e forti legami con gli attori locali. Nel 2019 La Ruche aveva 8 filiali in Francia.

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Each One
  • Rifugiati

each One è uno dei partner della rete The Human Safety Net per il programma per le Start-up di Rifugiati in Francia. each One (un tempo Wintegreat) crea e implementa innovativi programmi di formazione innovativi per il supporto, l’inclusione e l’accesso da parte di tutti i membri della società alle opportunità che i rifugiati possono offrire loro. Collaboriamo anche con ESCP Europe (campus di Parigi) e HEC per finanziare e sostenere un programma di supporto personalizzato di 12 settimane per i rifugiati, per due classi di 25 partecipanti all’anno. Questo programma ha dato ai rifugiati la possibilità di intraprendere un percorso professionale all’altezza delle loro capacità, delle loro esperienze e dei loro sogni.

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The TENT Foundation
  • Rifugiati

Compagnies have a critical role to play in helping refugees – who have been forced to flee their home countries – integrate into their new communities. The Tent Foundation focus on mobilizing leading businesses to connect refugees to work through hiring, training, and mentorship – because securing a job is a critical milestone for a refugee building a new life. 
The Tent Partnership for Refugees is made up of more than 300 major companies committed to integrating refugees. The members span industries from consumer goods to hospitality, retail to professional, services, technology to manufacturing. 
Generali and its foundation are partners of the Tent foundation in the The Human Safety Net Programme dedicated to the employability of refugees. A first initiative has been launched on mentoring refugee women.

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SOS Kinderdorf e.V.
  • Famiglie

SOS Kinderdorf Deutschland e.V. is The Human Safety Net’s partner for the For Families program in Germany. Dedicated to providing children with a safe home, SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. provides a national network of inpatient and outpatient flexible help, family counseling, educational opportunities and daycare, and is one of the largest support associations in its international parent organization, SOS Children’s Villages. The Human Safety Net for Families supports „Playing at home“ – a home visit based early learning program. The program encourages parents to stimulate children's development and makes them aware of the needs and development of their children. Children learn something new every day with great strides and great joy, especially when playing with their parents. The “Play at Home” offer takes up this idea and supports families with weekly play visits provided by student playing advisors.

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MAPP Empowerment gGmbH
  • Famiglie

The MAPP Programme - ELTERN-AG is a community-based training program that empowers underprivileged and isolated parents to form peer groups to help them become more responsible mothers and fathers, create a nurturing family atmosphere and the community environment their children need to succeed in school and life. Relying on a “train-the-trainer” methodology, the program engages local NGOs, allowing them to become part of ELTERN-AG and The Human Safety Net.

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LERNENDE Region – Netzwerk Köln
  • Famiglie

Lernende Region Netzwerk Köln was one of the first partners of The Human Safety Net for Families program in Germany in 2018. With its sizeable local network, Lernende Region enables universal access to education in Cologne and offers an expertise in family literacy. These educational programs provide socially disadvantaged families with new opportunities for early learning that can have a positive influence on their children‘s early years while promoting their integration into the wider society. The current project focusses on family literacy in Cologne family centers and involves parents from the neighborhood in a district parents activity.  A new project on financial education for Families will start soon.

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Social Impact
  • Rifugiati

Social Impact is a highly regarded expert organization on inclusive entrepreneurship in Germany, running programs that are tailored to different groups – such as migrants, long-term unemployed and disabled persons. Their Program RESTART for newcomers was created with the support of THSN in 2017 and is now running across Germany, but with a focus on Bavaria, Brandenburg and Berlin. It supports newcomers with a concrete business idea through 1-on-1 coaching to set up and consolidate their company. Social Impact is also part of the Perspektive Neustart consortium, a project funded by THSN through Scale Up Impact to integrate better support services and coaching for newcomers into Germany’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. 

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  • Rifugiati

FITT is an institute of the Saarland University of Applied Sciences (htw saar) supporting the commercialization of research as well as the local start-up and entrepreneurial ecosystem. They have a strong network with public institutions, researchers and SMEs across the Saarland. Highly active in promoting entrepreneurship, FITT has supported migrant founders since 2015. Since 2018, THSN has invested in FITT’s intensive 11-month program for supporting newcomers to set up their own businesses. Each year, the program supports a cohort of 10 participants from the Saarland with top-quality coaches and a successful annual pitch event. FITT is also part of the Perspektive Neustart consortium, a project funded by THSN through Scale Up Impact to integrate better support services and coaching for newcomers into Germany’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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SINGA Stuttgart
  • Rifugiati

SINGA Stuttgart was founded in 2016 as a German branch of the international civil society association SINGA, a key global partner of THSN. The organization is active in Baden-Württemberg and the Ruhr area in North-West Germany and focuses on newcomer entrepreneurship and boosting newcomers’ social capital. THSN is supporting Singa Business Lab – SINGA’s online incubation program, as well as its bi-national incubator for Stuttgart-Strasbourg. 

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Bürgerstiftung Lebensraum Aachen
  • Rifugiati

This civic association from Aachen is cooperating with a leading university of applied sciences in offering a joined-up program called Inclusive Entrepreneurship. Over 10 months, newcomers are supported to develop a business plan and get their companies up and running. During this time, they benefit from workshops, coaching and co-working spaces at the university’s Collective Incubator, while also receiving one-to-one support and mentoring through the Bürgerstiftung. The program shows the great potential of intersectoral partnerships between higher education and civil society in helping newcomers integrate successfully into the labour market. 

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LeetHub St. Pauli
  • Rifugiati

LeetHub St. Pauli was founded in 2015 with the mission of supporting refugee integration in Hamburg, Germany, running a community and co-working space for entrepreneurs and 12+ associations dealing with integration in the city. In 2017, they launched the MoveON program for newcomers in 2017, a 4-6 month incubation program combining workshops, intensive 1-on-1 mentoring, and networking with partners and experts. The organization also offers individual coaching for entrepreneurs with more advanced business ideas.

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  • Famiglie

The German Caritas Association is the umbrella organization of the welfare association of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany. Caritas offers a wide range of services and activities for all areas of support in Germany. For The Human Safety Net, Caritas is an important partner for the ongoing challenges in Europe and Germany. During the pandemic we supported 21 special Covid19-projects together with the Caritas CSR Competence Center. In the Ukraine crisis, we support some strategic Caritas locations within Germany with projects on psychosocial support for refugee families living in Caritas locations. A new project on financial education of families will start soon.

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  • Famiglie

Wellcome is a social enterprise in Germany. Under the motto "children only do well when their parents do well" it develops offers for families and encourages parents to embark on the family adventure. As a nationwide social enterprise, wellcome seeks to relieve, advise and network parents with its direct support, so that their children can grow up healthy in a loving environment, regardless of social background. On their online Platform,, parents find relevant content regularly redacted from expert pedagogues, free online counseling, links to local organizations and many eBooks and online classes to improve their parenting skills. Together with The Human Safety Net, wellcome aims to increase the reach of, measure and maximise its impact, especially on the most vulnerable families. A new project integration online and face to face activities with the wellcome families will start soon.

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Acker e.V.
  • Famiglie

Farming together is a real adventure – for the whole family. That is why the pilot project AckerRackerEltern focuses on the area of early childhood education, with the involvement of parents and through the interlinking with the already successfully running AckerRacker education program. The focus is on the shared experience of the family and the playful discovery of learning content. In the kindergarten, in nature or at home, parents and children discover the world together. In ongoing courses, learning experiences and supplementary online materials, theory and practice are combined and thus ensure a lasting effect. Acker e. V. works at the interface of education, agriculture, environment, and nutrition. The association was founded in 2014 and is now active as a multi-award-winning, non-profit social enterprise in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. 

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Verband Deutscher Naturparke
  • Famiglie

The Association of German Nature Parks (VDN) is the umbrella organization for all nature parks in Germany. With its program “Nature Park Kindergartens” VDN focusses on early learning and health prevention. Until today 20 Nature Park Kindergartens all over Germany became part of The Human Safety Net. The parks collaborate with local day care centers in disadvantaged neighborhoods. The educational program is designed to boost motoric and socio-emotional development for young children. Regular visits to the nature park, playful learning in natural environment, learning about plants, vegetables and nutrition, spending time outside the city without air pollution, discover animals and learn about the connection between humans, nature, animals and plants. 

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  • Rifugiati

JOBLINGE are the leading nonprofit tackling youth unemployment in Germany. Their Kompass program is tailored to young refugees and aims to open them a path into Germany’s system of vocational training. Over 4-6 months, the program offers tailored qualifications, mentorship, and hands-on voluntary and work experiences. More than 72% of the participants find a traineeship or job following the program. In 2023, JOBLINGE launched the Outcome-First Apprenticeship Fund, an innovative mechanism where regional JOBLINGE branches can apply for scholarships once they have successfully placed a refugee in work. The Fund is aimed to advance a culture of results-based finance in Germany.

Perspektive Neustart
  • Rifugiati

Perspektive Neustart is a new association advocating for inclusive entrepreneurship across Germany. It is backed by a consortium of THSN partners – Social Impact, KIZ Sinnova and FITT – and funders – THSN, J.P. Morgan Foundation, VISA Foundation and Schöpflin Stiftung. The association is bundling efforts to scale up high-quality coaching and support services for newcomer entrepreneurs, in collaboration with job centres, chambers of commerce and the whole entrepreneurial ecosystem. By drawing on the experience of successful programs funded by THSN, it is offering qualification and certification to business coaches so that they can provide tailored support to newcomer entrepreneurs and the specific challenges they face in becoming self-employed.

ReDI School of Digital Integration
  • Rifugiati

ReDI School of Digital Integration are an award-winning social enterprise founded in 2015 and running 7 schools of digital integration in Berlin, Munich, Ruhr, Hamburg, Malmö, Copenhagen and Aarhus. ReDI School is a coding school for disadvantaged populations (especially migrants and refugees), boosting their digital skills to help address the shortage of skilled labour in the IT sector, where Germany is currently unable to fill around 100,000 free positions each year. ReDI School started working in Munich since 2018 and opened a Munich campus with THSN support in 2020. At the campus, it runs two programs for refugees and migrants: Digital Careers (comprising of courses in software development, data analytics and cloud computing and Digital Women (courses in digital literacy aimed especially at refugee women). The courses, which are taught by volunteers from the IT field are complemented by Career Support and HR Summits.

RWTH University Aachen

This civic association from Aachen is cooperating with a leading university of applied sciences in offering a joined-up program called Inclusive Entrepreneurship. Over 10 months, newcomers are supported to develop a business plan and get their companies up and running. During this time, they benefit from workshops, coaching and co-working spaces at the university’s Collective Incubator, while also receiving one-to-one support and mentoring through the Bürgerstiftung. The program shows the great potential of intersectoral partnerships between higher education and civil society in helping newcomers integrate successfully into the labour market. 

Hong Kong

OneSky Foundation Asia
  • Famiglie

OneSky è il partner del programa Famiglie di The Human Safety Net a Hong Kong. La sua missione è di liberare il vasto potenziale nascosto nei bambini più vulnerabili. OneSky crea e implementa programmi di apprendimento semplici e replicabili che nutrano i bambini con cure responsive, trasforamando le vite dei piccoli più a rischio ogni giorno e assicurando già durante l’infanzia una seconda chance a tutti quelli che ne hanno più bisogno. Dal 1998, OneSky ha formato più di 43mila cargiver e supportato direttamente oltre 200.000 bambini in Cina, Mongolia e Vietnam.


United Way Mumbai
  • Famiglie

United Way Mumbai is a part of the 130+ year-old United Way movement spanning 41 countries across the world. Its mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities to advance the common good. United Way Mumbai is specifically working on the school readiness and parentability component of the program. It focuses on working on improving the social, emotional, and cognitive development of the children by involving them in engagement activities and providing sessions to parents that cover five domains of nurturing care – caregiving, stimulation, support and responsiveness, structure, and socialization, and strengthening the existing Government run program – The Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS) by providing training to the Anganwadi Workers (AWWs).

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Pratham Education Foundation
  • Famiglie

Pratham works to improve the quality of education in India through interventions across the age spectrum - for early years of a child, elementary grades, and secondary education, as well as vocational training for youth with digital interventions layered across all these interventions. Pratham’s Early Years program works for the holistic development of children aged birth-8 years. Direct interventions by Pratham serve as demonstration and experimentation hubs, and Government Partnerships focus on strengthening government systems and enhancing their participation as well as that of local communities. Focused on sustainability, replicability, and scalability, Pratham’s approach has expanded to include components such as engaging mothers to build on how they can support their children’s development and learning, incorporating print, play, and locally sourced material, and experimenting with digital content.

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Save the Children
  • Famiglie

Save the Children is a leading, international child rights organisation with its presence across 120 countries. Founded in 1919, Save the Children since inception is dedicated to reaching out to the most vulnerable and marginalised children, ensuring they survive, learn, and are protected. Today, it is India's leading independent child rights not for profit working across 19 states. Started in 2008 in India, and registered as 'Bal Raksha Bharat', we have changed the lives of more than 13 million children till date. Save the Children India believes that every child should have the opportunity to learn and grow to their fullest capacity. All children should enjoy the right to quality basic education as enshrined in international laws and Right to Education Act, 2009, irrespective of their gender, region, caste, language, and religion, physical and learning competencies. It focuses on developing and showcasing effective Early Childhood Care and Education models and strengthening Basic Education, promoting school readiness skills in the transition of children from preschool to primary school and improving learning outcomes.

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HOPE Worldwide
  • Famiglie

HOPE Worldwide is The Human Safety Net’s partner for the For Families program in Indonesia. Their mission is to bring hope and change lives in vulnerable communities through education, health services and community development. Established in 1994, HOPE worldwide Indonesia serves over 120,000 people and is supported by over 3,000 dedicated volunteers.

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Ibu Profesional
  • Famiglie

Ibu Profesional is The Human Safety Net’s partner for the For Families programme in Indonesia. It’s a learning community of mothers with aim of self improvement as a woman, wife and mother. Thus, they will be able to educate their children, manage the family, become a productive women, and be the agent of change. Established in 2011, it’s supported by 30,000 mothers from 57 cities in Indonesia, in 10 countries, that learning through online and offline.

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Mission Bambini
  • Famiglie

Mission Bambini ETS è attiva dal 2000 per rendere felici e sani i bambini, attraverso cure mediche, accoglienza, istruzione. L’associazione ha già aiutato 1,4 milioni di bambini.

Attività: laboratori interattivi (arte, lettura, emozioni), corsi di formazione per genitori (salute, lavoro..) e consulenze individuali di accompagnamento per migliorare le relazioni tra genitori e bambini e rafforzare le competenze genitoriali.

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Centro per la Salute del Bambino Onlus
  • Famiglie

Il Centro per la Salute del Bambino è attiva dal 1999 e opera in Italia e a livello internazionale per garantire a tutti i bambini uguali opportunità di sviluppo cognitivo, emotivo e relazionale fin dalla nascita.

Attività: laboratori interattivi genitori/figli (lettura, musica, gioco) per promuovere la relazione famigliare e favorire lo sviluppo cognitivo, emotivo e sociale dei bambini tra 0 e 6 anni, in un’ottica di integrazione con i servizi sanitari.

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Fondazione l’Albero della Vita ETS
  • Famiglie

L’Albero della Vita è attiva dal 1997 e impegnata, in Italia e nel mondo, ad assicurare il benessere, proteggere e promuovere i diritti, favorire lo sviluppo dei bambini, delle loro famiglie e delle comunità di appartenenza.

Attività: piani individuali per il rafforzamento del nucleo famigliare, laboratori pedagogici sull’educazione alimentare, corsi di formazione su gestione del bilancio famigliare e del risparmio, supporto ai genitori per l’affiancamento dei figli al gioco e alle attività educative.

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Istituto Casa Famiglia San Pio X

L’Istituto Casa Famiglia San Pio X è una istituzione molto antica, fondata nel 1910 e che nel tempo si è ampliata, arrivando a implementare molte attività e progetti nel campo dello sviluppo della prima infanzia e dell’accompagnamento alla genitorialità. Casa Famiglia si propone di far sperimentare nella dimensione comunitaria una condizione di “famiglia estesa” che si fonda sulla tolleranza nella accettazione delle diversità.

Attività: gestione di comunità mamma-bambino, percorsi di sostegno alla genitorialità, attività mirate a sviluppare il benessere dei bambini e delle loro famiglie attività (psicomotricità, centri estivi, gruppi emotività, laboratori artistici..).

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Microlux is a microfinance institution that shares a similar vision of empowering individuals and communities by providing access to financial services. Supporting business starters, active entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs who are not eligible for traditional bank credit. By offering small loans and financial literacy programs, Microlux helps low-income entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners start or expand their ventures. The collaboration between Microlux and The Human Safety Net creates a powerful synergy, as both organizations work towards building inclusive and sustainable communities. Together, they strive to address the various needs of vulnerable individuals, from social support to economic empowerment, paving the way for a brighter future for all.

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Yayasan Gemilang
  • Famiglie

The Human Safety Net for Families in Malaysia is partnering with Yayasan Generasi Gemilang (GG), a charity organization that focuses on improving education and nutrition for vulnerable communities in Malaysia. The partnership is propelled by a shared belief that Love can transform Malaysia, where the next generation is exemplary, and families are empowered.

Generali Malaysia is partnering with Yayasan Generasi Gemilang to develop Project Makan Sihat to improve the nutritional wellness by providing children from underserved families with nutritional food boxes on a regular basis. Importantly, the program is also developed to educate and improve the wellness knowledge among the underserved communities in Malaysia.

The goal is to help these families build healthier, more stable family environments for their children, who in turn will have a better chance at breaking the poverty cycle as they grow up and bring positive change to their home and community.

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Poznan University of Medical Sciences
  • Famiglie

L’Università di Poznan (Poznań, Polonia) è il partner della rete The Human Safety Net che sostiene il programma Per i Neonati in Polonia. Collaborando attivamente con cinque cliniche ospedaliere e una serie di ospedali pubblici, l’Università di Poznan ha avuto un ruolo chiave nella formazione di migliaia di professionisti della sanità in tutto il paese, compresi medici, dentisti, farmacisti, infermieri, ecc.… Insieme a The Human Safety Net, l'Università di Poznan intende intensificare gli sforzi per combattere l'asfissia neonatale, preparando e informando i professionisti della sanità, individuando le tecnologie e i protocolli più efficaci per la diagnosi e il trattamento precoci, nonché creando una rete di personale medico e paramedico adeguatamente preparato.

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Fundatia Noi Orizonturi
  • Famiglie

Fundația Noi Orizonturi (RO) / New Horizons Foundation (NHF) (EN)  is a Romanian organization using ”education for transformation” in order to reach our vision of a society where children and young people grow in a fertile soil, fulfill their potential and use it for the development of the community and the world they live in. We believe in the transformative power of experiential education and the ability of the support system - caregivers, educators and leaders in communities to support children and young people to become better, stronger and wiser. 

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Novak Djokovic Foundation
  • Famiglie

The Novak Djokovic Foundation is The Human Safety Net’s partner for its For Families program in Serbia. Active since 2007, the foundation invests in education and support for young children, creating strong partnerships with citizens’ associations and community-based organizations in Serbia in order to give children living in disadvantaged communities an opportunity to engage in creative play and learn how to develop values and skills that will give them a head start in life and help them achieve their full potential. The foundation has built or refurbished 55 preschools, trained over 2,200 teachers and supported 9,000 families. The foundation aims to establish Serbia as a regional ECED (Early Childhood Education and Development) hub of excellence and increase preschool access in Serbia to 90%.

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Únia materských centier
  • Famiglie

L'organizzazione Union of Mother Centres (UMC) è partner di The Human Safety Net e sostiene il programma Per Le Famiglie in Slovacchia. Fondata nel 2003, UMC funge da organizzazione ombrello e di collegamento tra i centri di assistenza alle madri e/o alle famiglie, aiutando quasi 60 istituzioni in Slovacchia. La mission dell'organizzazione consiste nell’aumentare il rispetto e il riconoscimento della maternità all’interno della società,  sostenendola nell’interesse di  bambini, madri e famiglie. L’organizzazione si impegna a realizzare programmi educativi e/o formativi per le madri, contatti sociali, supporto ai centri di assistenza alle madri e alle famiglie, interazione e pressione al governo slovacco e al  settore privato del paese, tutela dei diritti delle madri, lotta contro la violenza domestica, organizzazione di eventi sociali e culturali e molto altro.

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Zveza prijateljev mladine Ljubljana Moste-Polje
  • Famiglie

ZPM Moste è il partner di The Human Safety Net per il programma per le Famiglie in Slovenia. ZPM Ljubljana Moste-Polje (Associazione degli Amici della Gioventù Moste Polje) è un’organizzazione che garantisce supporto ai bambini ed alle famiglie da più di 60 anni sviluppando programmi per famiglie bisognose e concentrandosi in modo particolare nell’aiutare i bambini ad ottenere pari opportunità. L’associazione punta sul rafforzamento delle competenze genitoriali aiutando i genitori a migliorare la propria vita famigliare e beneficio di se stessi e dei propri figli.

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Associació Educativa Itaca
  • Famiglie

Associació Educativa Itaca is The Human Safety Net partner in Barcelona (Spain).  

Itaca has more than 40 years of experience working with children and young kids at high risk of social exclusion and extreme poverty.Together with THSN Espana, Itaca is developing a safe THSN home in the neighborhoods of Hospitalet de Llobregat for families with children aged 0-6y to help parents improve their parental skills and promote equal opportunities for children. The project aims to support 50 families, offering different activities and workshops, on themes like health, hygiene, nutrition, child development and play, to strengthen the confidence and security of the parents in growing up their children.

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Asociación El Arca
  • Famiglie

El Arca is a non-profit civil association that was founded in 1991 in Valencia. Since then, they have been accompanying and supporting people in vulnerable conditions, thus promoting a more just and supportive society. Through different support programs, Asociación El Arca works daily with families and children in the neighborhoods of La Punta and Nazaret, in Valencia. Together with The Human Safety Net, we are going to develop a program for families at risk of social exclusion with children under six years old. The objective is to provide these parents with tools to face a more complete education for their children during their first years of life, through courses and workshops on topics such as positive and responsible parenting, child education, psychomotor skills and early stimulation, routines, hygiene and child nutrition, etc.

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Fundación Balia
  • Famiglie

La Fundación Balia è uno dei partner di The Human Safety Net For Families in Spagna. Il modello socio-educativo di Balia cerca di promuovere il successo scolastico e ridurre i tassi di abbandono scolastico, sviluppare competenze digitali, promuovere l'educazione ai valori, promuovendo al contempo l'educazione emotiva e lo sviluppo del talento. 

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Marie-Meierhofer-Institut für das Kind
  • Famiglie

L'istituto per bambini Marie Meierhofer (MMI) è il partner di The Human Safety Net per il programma For Families in Svizzera. Per oltre 60 anni, MMI si è impegnata a garantire che tutti i bambini, sia all'interno che all'esterno della famiglia, abbiano l'opportunità di crescere e maturare in modo sano. Supportato da un gruppo di ricerca, MMI sviluppa programmi di assistenza per i bambini e le loro famiglie, con la creazione di centri che promuovono relazioni positive attraverso giochi e attività a loro dedicate.

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  • Rifugiati

Capacity Zurich è il partner di The Human Safety Net per il programma per le Start-Up di Rifugiati in Svizzera. Con sede a Zurigo, Capacity è un incubatore di start-up aperto a rifugiati e migranti interessati a lanciare un'iniziativa imprenditoriale o socio-culturale. L'istituto offre programmi specializzati di imprenditorialità bilingue che consentono ai rifugiati imprenditori ed ai locali di interagire in un ambiente collaborativo, favorendo la condivisione delle competenze reciproche.

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Acev Anne Cocuk Egtim Vakf
  • Famiglie

Mother Child Education Foundation (AÇEV) has worked for a society where every child has equal opportunities for 30 years. Early ages, the most decisive period of our lives, constitute the focus of AÇEV’s work. AÇEV develops and implements scientifically based educational programs for children, parents, and women nationwide.
Upon the establishment of AÇEV, a corporate structure that would allow the generalization of education across Turkey was formed. The founders of the foundation used the approach “Science is not only for science, it should turn towards the society, then it becomes more important” as the base and showed that social sciences are not simply intangible, but they can turn into an effect that is accessible and beneficial for the people’s welfare and wellbeing. AÇEV’s scientific programs became successful models of the partnership between universities and governmental and non-governmental organizations in Turkey and set an example for new education policies.
AÇEV started to produce programs that aim to contribute to social development by supporting the close contacts of the growing individual. The foundation began to empower the preschool-age group child and their close connections. It launched works in many areas, such as father-support education, preschool education, women’s literacy, women empowerment, and mother-support education. 
AÇEV put its signature under scientific research that will direct the implementations and has become one of the significant examples of science serving society as an organization that creates, implements, and spreads scientific information. 
Based on the findings that early childhood is the most critical developmental period of life, AÇEV continues to provide equal opportunities by conducting interventions and advocacy activities regarding this age period and to support its works with studies. It supports the activities of the United Nations (UN) and UN Global Compact principles and places topics such as quality education during early childhood, the role of families in raising future generations, gender equality, and lifelong learning, which are emphasized within the UN Sustainable Development Goals, at the center of its all activities. Having participated in national and international partnerships, the foundation works with its partners in generalization efforts and determining local needs.

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Pozitív Attitűd Formálás (PAF)
  • Famiglie

La PAF (Positive Attitude Formation) Foundation è il partner della rete The Human Safety Net che sostiene il programma Per i Neonati in Ungheria.  Attiva dal 2011, la PAF Foundation è impegnata nel promuovere l'assistenza sanitaria e incoraggiare il coordinamento tra i professionisti del settore sanitario in tutto il Paese. Come partner del programma Per i Neonati, l’obiettivo della PAF Foundation è quello di sensibilizzare sull'importanza delle cure ai bambini prematuri. Il tasso di mortalità infantile in Ungheria è tristemente alto (4 decessi ogni 1000 nascite, contro il 2-4 per 1000 registrato nella maggior parte dell'Europa occidentale) e la PAF Foundation intende collaborare con The Human Safety Net per ridurlo. A questo scopo verranno lanciate diverse iniziative: dalla donazione di attrezzature mediche alla promozione della cosiddetta "Golden Hour" (che prevede il contatto pelle a pelle fra la madre e il bambino immediatamente dopo la nascita) nei reparti di maternità, dal monitoraggio dei movimenti fetali allo sviluppo di cure specifiche per i neonati pretermine fino al follow-up familiare.

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  • Famiglie

L'Unicef Vietnam è uno dei partner di The Human Safety Net per il programma For Families in Vietnam dal 2021. 
L'UNICEF Vietnam è uno degli oltre 190 uffici del Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per l'infanzia a livello globale e parte del sistema delle Nazioni Unite in Vietnam che lavora in stretta collaborazione con tutte le agenzie delle Nazioni Unite nel paese. Guidato dalla Convenzione sui diritti dell'infanzia, l'UNICEF ha un mandato universale per promuovere e proteggere i diritti di tutti i bambini, ovunque - specialmente quelli più difficili da servire e più a rischio.

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NFVC - The National Fund For Vietnamese Children
  • Famiglie

Il National Fund For Vietnamese Children (NFVC) è uno dei partner di The Human Safety Net per il programma For Families in Vietnam dal 2020. Il NFVC è un'organizzazione statale sotto il Ministero del Lavoro - Invalidi e Affari Sociali, che mira a mobilitare risorse nazionali e internazionali per realizzare gli obiettivi di protezione, cura ed educazione dei bambini. La NFVC ha una rete nazionale sia a livello centrale che locale; gestisce i dati sui bambini che hanno bisogno di aiuto e sui bambini che hanno ricevuto aiuto; e monitora lo sviluppo dei bambini. Dopo 29 anni di attività, le NFVC a tutti i livelli hanno mobilitato più di VND7.200 miliardi, sostenendo oltre 33 milioni di bambini svantaggiati in tutta la nazione. 

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Le ONG partner e le imprese sociali di The Human Safety Net sono attive in oltre 20 paesi in Europa, Sud America e Asia. Operano nei settori di interesse dei due programmi, promuovendo lo sviluppo della prima infanzia e le attività genitoriali nell’ambito del programma per le Famiglie, e l'integrazione di rifugiati e migranti in quello per Start-up di Rifugiati.