

Supporting Early Childhood Develpment in partnership with ACEV

A child’s first 6 years is considered to be a vital stage in human development. During this period, called “early childhood,” the child’s brain develops at a fast pace.

Data from the Turkish Statistical Institute shows that mothers are responsible for child care in 89.6% of the families in Turkey. The data also demonstrates that 43% of women have only a primary school degree, 8% are not literate, and 74.9% of women with no literacy have four or more children.

With the support of THSN for Families program, Mother Support Program (MSP) aims to support, through education, mothers’ efforts in their capacity as the shapers of a child’s development and the closest to a child; to contribute to their parenting skills.

Early Literacy Program: A Reading Future aims to provide responsive and language-rich environments that have serve-and-return interactions in safe physical settings with small group sizes and high ratios of adults to children. The program is designed for children aged 4-7 years, living in low socio-economic settings, aiming to develop a love and habit of reading, improving their language skills, while raising parents' awareness of the importance of early literacy.

The Program

“Mother Support Program aims to reach 1184 mothers and 1184 children within the scope of the Project. A Reading Future Programme aims to reach 2850 children and 1950 families. 260 children and 260 parents will be sent Early Literacy Enrichment Sets. All these activities shall be conducted in İstanbul, İzmir and Diyarbakır”

Partner coinvolti

Le attività locali

L'App First6Years

Quando i programmi faccia a faccia di ACEV sono stati interrotti a causa della pandemia di Covid-19, ACEV ha deciso di aggiornare e rilanciare la sua app First6Years per fornire contenuti e consigli ai genitori tramite dispositivi mobili.

L'app First6Years è un'applicazione mobile gratuita per smartphone e tablet, che offre contenuti focalizzati sullo sviluppo dei bambini dai 3 ai 6 anni. ACEV ha lanciato una versione ampliata e interattiva dell'app per un gruppo di età più ampio (dalla gravidanza a 6 anni). L'applicazione rivista è più giocosa e interattiva, offrendo più contenuti video per le famiglie con bassi livelli di alfabetizzazione e collaborando con le aziende per offrire beni e servizi scontati.