Official launch in Germany
On June 7, the CEO of Germany, Giovanni Liverani officially launched The Human Safety Net to the local press, politicians and representatives of the civil society.

On June 7, the CEO of Germany, Giovanni Liverani officially launched The Human Safety Net to the local press, politicians and representatives of the civil society. The event, held at the Generali offices in Berlin, was the opportunity to introduce both the Refugee Start-Ups and the Families programmes’ scope, approach and ambition.
The well-known ZDF journalist and TV personality, Dunja Hayali, lent her support at the launch. As the daughter of Iraqi Christians who migrated to Germany, Hayali has been a vocal advocate for refugee causes. In addition, local NGOs partners of Refugee Start-Ups and Families programmes, such as Janet Thiemann, Managing Director of Eltern AG, shared stories of disadvantaged people who were able to empower themselves and unlock their full potential.
"We’re extremely happy that Germany is the first country to start with not only one but two programmes at the same time. This is only the first step, we aspire to have global reach", explained Group Communications and Public Affairs Director, Simone Bemporad.