For the fourth consecutive year, initiatives linked to the future of children are being launched throughout Italy thanks to the education project promoted by Generali Country Italia together with The Human Safety Net.
Children are our future and it is our duty to provide them with an education that matches their dreams and the right support to make them come true. For the fourth year The Human Safety Net/Ora di Futuro is working to help children and their parents look to tomorrow with renewed confidence.
The projects aim to support families living in vulnerable contexts with children from 0 to 6 years old, through initiatives focused on parenting education, and to involve primary schools all over Italy thanks to educational paths that help children learn the correct management of resources and make responsible choices on major issues such as health and well-being, environment, economy and savings.
This project has an important partnership with L'Albero della Vita, Mission Bambini and Centro per la Salute del Bambino, to help parents strengthen their skills and offer children a more solid foundation for their growth. The three non-profit organisations were chosen by Generali employees.
L'Albero della Vita, active since 1997 in Italy and around the world, aims to ensure the well-being, protect and promote the rights, and foster the development of children, their families and the communities they belong to. It is present with six Ora di Futuro centres in: Milan, Genoa, Palermo, Naples, Catanzaro and Ponte Felcino (PG).
Mission Bambini, on the other hand, has been active since 2000 to support children who live in vulnerable conditions, who are ill or have limited educational opportunities, in order to give them the opportunity and hope of a life worthy of a person. It is present with 8 Ora di Futuro centres in: Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Bologna, Mogliano Veneto (TV), Moncalieri, Naples, Rome, Bari, Verona.
Centro per la Salute del Bambino has been active since 1999 and operates both in Italy and internationally to guarantee all children equal opportunities for cognitive, emotional and relational development from birth, with a view to integration with the national health service. CSB is present in 17 centres throughout Italy.
The centres offer activities for families such as child-parent workshops, training courses and discussion groups for parents, individual support and the creation of educational paths to help the youngest children unlock their potential and build stronger foundations for growth.
In 2021, 16,500 parents and children were reached in the 16 centres all over Italy: with the precious help of all the volunteers, the Onlus offered support to fragile families, guaranteed educational continuity and created moments of socialising.
This commitment is constantly growing and will benefit from the opening of new centres, for a total of 33 family centres throughout the country, mainly located in the most peripheral areas with limited educational services.
The objective of "Ora di Futuro" is to generate, right from primary school, the awareness that all choices have consequences, and to train children with the basic skills to evaluate the most sustainable solutions.
It is an innovative didactic path designed to make children interact with the game, thanks to a digital platform, together with parents and teachers.
At the end of the educational path, the pupils produce a creative work to represent their idea of the future: the top ten schools also have the opportunity to participate in the final event in the Senate to present their motions of confidence.
At the beginning of March 2022, primary schools throughout Italy closed the "Ora di Futuro" project, which involved almost 5,500 classes, in addition to the 11,000 classes that took part in the first three years.
With this year's new module, "Mauaga's Parliament", we are taking the children on a journey that touches on fundamental issues such as the management of choices and decisions within the community, democracy and the Constitution, leading them to reflect on current topics.
As of this year, Ora di Futuro is officially recognised by the Ministry of Education as a project that contributes to spreading the culture of sustainability, in line with the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda.
With the strong support of The Human Safety Net and its entire network, "Ora di Futuro" is preparing, for the fourth consecutive year, to continue supporting the future of children and their families in Italy.