More employees and agents decided to join the volunteering programme year after year, reaching the highest ever level of 30,000 hours in 2022. Since two years, a Global community of 500 ambassadors has been dedicating one year of engagement to drive the movement further.
This rising engagement of employees and agents at Generali is directly linked to the visible and measurable impact we deliver through the NGO partners. It adds an extra sense to working for Generali and a concrete opportunity to connect and show its purpose. Finally, it generates a proudness of achieving something together.
88% is the level of engagement volunteers of The Human Safety Net expressed during the last Engagement survey. This is the highest engagement score inside the company with five percentage points higher than the other employees. The same survey also shows that 20% of Generali people declared to volunteer or have volunteered for The Human Safety Net. Volunteers became an incredible driving force to move forward the movement of people helping people.
After four years, these results demonstrate how the Human Safety Net is deeply embedded in Generali and is proof of the power of collaboration between the Private and social sectors for Social Impact.
Since the start of the initiative end of 2017, we have tried to integrate meaningful volunteering into each NGO's programme. Skilled volunteering does contribute to strengthening an NGO or can offer mentors or coaches to refugees. Other volunteering activities cover some structural part of the NGOs' activities to welcome more families or extend the variety of activities like financial literacy, healthy cooking, or reading. Finally, many volunteers participate in fundraising campaigns to amplify the programme's reach in their country, to support the centres’ activities.