How we work

In our 2019 Activity Report, the first we published, we would like to share the journey started in 2017: what we have accomplished, achieved, and learned along the way. 

Starting from the stories of the people we helped and of our volunteers. Discover our approach, ways of working and our key facts and figures. Browse below for a preview and download the full report to learn more.

How we work

The approach

The Human Safety Net is a net bringing together the expertise and experience of dozens of NGOs, social enterprises and experts worldwide. It is a community acting together to amplify each organization’s impact. In addition to financing our partners through grants, our approach includes:

  • an open platform
  • a robust methodology for each programme,
  • a shared framework for measuring our collective impact,
  • a global volunteering platform
  • advocacy at the national and international levels,
  • an annual summit open to all our partners for peer-to-peer exchange and knowledge sharing.


Generali’s employees and agents represent more than 200,000 people, offering a huge engagement asset. Our volunteering framework, co-designed with our NGO partners and HR professionals, takes into account three success factors: Quantity, Quality, and Sustainability, and includes various possibilities for employees to offer their skills and time in a meaningful way.


Measuring our impact

We decided to base our measurement system on a shared framework that not only tracks collective results, but enables each partner to share evidence and learn from one another, triggering a virtuous cycle of knowledge and improvement. A shared digital tool helps all our partners track the progress and long-term outcomes of their work.


NetWorks: our annual summit


The second edition of The Human Safety Net’s Global NetWorks Event closed on September 20th, 2019 in Venice. More than 240 participants came together from all over the world, including 40 leading NGOs from 20 countries, inspiring changemakers, Generali’s people and 25 volunteers. They connected, shared ideas and took action on early childhood development, refugee entrepreneurship and newborn health.


Have a look at the full The Human Safety Net 2019 Activity Report. Discover more about our three programs: methodology, approach, results, and case studies. Read the messages from our board members, learn about our governance. The document is also available in Italian.